Não passarão!
They shall not pass!
“During the event, the Pará Civil Police called for the preventive incarceration of 11 people accused of participating in the protests. Among the accused in the inquiry are members and organizers of Movimento Xingu Vivo para Sempre, a priest who spoke mass over and blessed the meeting, a nun, a fisherman who had his house destroyed a few days before by the Consortium, missionaries to the indigenous cause and one documentary-maker from São Paulo. Without proof, the group of companies responsible for the dam (CCBM) accuses these persons of robbery, gang formation and disturbing the peace, amongst other crimes.”
Movimento Xingu Vivo para Sempre (http://www.xinguvivo.org.br/2012/06/26/policia-pediu-prisao-preventiva-de-ativistas-contra-belo-monte/ ).
To each of their actions, we will react. The persecution of activists who struggle againts the construction of Belo Monte dam drives us to reflect about what, in fact, is happening in Altamira, west of Pará. The resistance of groups that support Xingu Vivo resulted in the bringing to light of the violence and persecution enacted by the Belo Monte Construction Consortium, Norte Energia and the state police, which ordered the preventative incarceration of eleven people connected to the struggle in Xingu.
From June 13-17, an average of 300 people held the Xingu+23 meeting in Santo Antonio community, 50 km from Altamira – Pará. One of the aims was to revive the spirit of resistance shown by the Amazon people, which 23 years ago, stopped the dam’s construction. Over and above this, a cry has formed in everyones throats. The cry is, “Rio+20 doesn’t represent us!”. The Xingu+23 meeting sought for ways and strategies to prevent Belo Monte from being built, as well as giving visibillity to the negatively affected comunities – local fishermen, indigenous peoples and others, in contrast to the cynicism of the brazilian government.
The so-called sustainable development of Norte Energia, sold through massive media investment, does not reflect the truth about the scenario of the dam’s construction. While Belo Monte is sold by the government advertising as a dream, it is a nightmare for those who have to live with the reality of it. Since the commencement of construction, Altamira underwent a population explosion and consequently suffered real state speculation, a rise in food prices, an increase in accidents and indicators of violence, highlighting murder and a horrific 160% increase in the number of rape victims. While these problems had already been predicted, they were aggavated by the fact that the consortium failed to adhere to the conditions of construction.
A protest against the repression and in solidarity with the victims of the aliance between the brazilian government and private enterprise, represented by major construction corporations – Odebrecht, Camargo Correa e Andrade Gutierrez, will take place this Thursday, June 5th, in front of the former DEOPS building, now called Museu da Resistência, next to Luz station.
Why protest in front of DEOPS in solidarity with the victims of political persecution in Xingu? Because our current democracy is exhibiting similar patterns to the past military period. As if it’s not bad enough that the government is reviving a plan conceived under the military period, this “democratic” government also persecutes those who oppose their plans. Those who were persecuted in the past, are now persecuting. They are calling for the incarceration of activists who dare to protest against the R$30 billion project. This is part of the brazilian government’s plans for economic growth, at any cost. In the name of “national interest”, they will destroy anything that stands in their way. This Thursday, take to the streets against the repression and political persecution that strips us of our freedom in this broken system.
Hoje, amanhã e sempre, Somos Todos Xingu!!
Today, tomorrow and always, We are All Xingu!!
Press Office When:
Thursday, June 5th, at 17:30 (SP-BR)
Where: meet at Luz Park, downtown Sao Paulo
What: walk to the former DEOPS building at 18:30 (SP-BR)
Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/261332067304631/
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